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When surgery needed for Acid Reflux Disease, GERD

The goal of anti-reflux surgery is to strengthen the lower esophageal sphincter, which is the barrier to reflux of content from the stomach into the esophagus.

Surgery is not a first option but when lifestyle changes and medicine do not help to treat GERD symptoms then surgery can be an option to think about.  usually lifestyle changes, diet , nonprescription antacids and prescription medications would help to mitigate symptoms , therefore all these should be tried first before deciding to go for surgical treatment.

Prior to surgery an evaluation of the esophagus needs to be done. Before you are referred to a surgeon, have an endoscopy done to verify if you have Barrett’s esophagus or esophagitis. All patients on a proton pump inhibitor medicines to see if preventing acid entering the esophagus makes their acid reflux symptoms better. Because not all burning chest discomfort is heartburn and because it is important to make sure the symptoms you are experiencing are truly acid reflux,

 Acid Reflux happens when the stomach contents refluxes back up into the esophagus because of a weak valve connecting the esophagus to the stomach. Surgery can correct this problem by tightening the valve to prevent the backup from the stomach to the esophagus. Until now, this procedure has been performed laparoscopically, which means a tiny camera/scope is inserted through a small incision which transmits images to a video monitor for the surgeon to see in order to perform surgery.

The two major types of surgery for acid reflux are fundoplication , radiofrequency and LINX

 Fundoplication surgery is the traditional surgical procedure performed for acid reflux disease GERD. This surgery procedure has been practiced to combat Acid reflux disease for a long time. Fundoplication surgery involves taking the upper part of the stomach and then sewing it to the bottom portion of the esophagus. A tunnel is made so that a portion of the esophagus can pass through to the stomach muscle.

The procedure is often performed using a laparoscope, an instrument that is inserted through tiny a incisions in the abdomen. The doctor then uses small instruments that hold a camera to look at the abdomen and pelvis. When performed by experienced surgeons, laparoscopic fundoplication is safe and effective in people of all ages. The procedure is reported to have the same results as the standard fundoplication, and people can leave the hospital in couple days.  This method leaves very little scarring and can produce a much faster recovery.

As a result of the Fundoplication surgery, a person will stop suffering from acid reflux. At the same time the valve from the esophagus to the stomach will get stronger. As a result the body is able to take care of the acid it produces naturally without it moving from the stomach to the esophagus.

The first objective of a fundoplication procedure is to amplify the lower esophageal sphincter ( LES ) pressure and prevent acid regurgitation or reflux. In addition, the surgeons performing this surgery can also repair any Hiatal Hernia that may be present.

Radiofrequency is newer operation but many medical professionals are offering it. That is because this form of surgery for acid reflux is less invasive. In fact, patients can be released to go home the same day they have it rather than spending several days in the hospital. This process involves creating thermal lesions at the bottom of the esophagus and the top of the stomach.The surgeon uses high energy waves into the wall of the lower esophagus to create small amount of scar tisse . As a result there is less acid able to move from the stomach to the esophagus. This type of surgery also helps to strengthen a weak esophagus. This is accomplished by making the muscles in there thicker than before. As a result there is less pressure against the esophagus to open up.

 LINX device

With the LINX procedure, The surgeon directs a laparoscope to wrap a ring of tiny titanium beads around junction of the stomach and lower esophagus . For thiIn this procedure the magnetic action between the tiny beads helps to keep lower esophagus sphincter closed but however the food can still pass through.

In general, the success of surgery is no better than acid-suppressing medication. However, surgery may be an option for some people whose quality of life remains significantly affected by their condition and where drug treatment is no longer effective .  Back to top