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 Lifestyle change helps to cure Acid Reflux Disease

Lifestyle changes are the best and most effective cure . Making changes to your lifestyle can help to relieve your symptoms of GERD or Acid reflux disease  significantly.

Acid reflux disease, or GERD (Gastro Esophageal Reflux Disease), occurs when acid and other contents in the stomach "back up" into the esophagus, creating a painful, burning sensation and sometimes causing permanent damage to the lining of the esophagus as well. There are medications that can help ease the discomfort of acid reflux disease, but for maximum benefit, physicians recommend lifestyle changes along with the use of medications.

The doctors suggest the following changes to your lifestyle in order to prevent the occurrence of acid reflux disease :

Eliminate alcohol and smoking.

Smoking is thought to weaken the esophageal sphincter LES. The esophageal sphincter is a tough circle of muscle at the bottom of the esophagus. When this muscle is weakened, it allows acid from the stomach to flow back into the lower part of the esophagus. Alcohol may also relax the esophageal sphincter. Both alcohol and tobacco can cause the stomach to produce excessive acid

 Avoid foods and beverages that trigger symptoms

Fatty foods cause the stomach to produce more acid, which can lead to increased symptoms of acid reflux disease. Avoid fast foods ,most of them are high in fat.

 Lose excess weight

For reasons not clearly understood, obese people tend to be more at risk for acid reflux disease than people who are of normal weight. Studies have shown that losing just extra pounds of body weight can ease the symptoms of acid reflux disease. Added weight causes extra pressure on your stomach which can irritate your symptoms.

 Eat smaller, frequent meals.

Eating frequent small meals is much easier on your digestive system, and is therefore less likely to cause acid reflux disease symptoms.The more food consumed, the more acid is needed to help digest it.  Thus it's  advisable to eat several small meals instead of two or three large meals .

Start moderate exercise.

Do not exercise for at least one hour after eating.

 Wear loose-fitting clothes.

Tight fitting clothes force food and acid up against the esophageal sphincter. If the sphincter is not working properly, it will allow stomach content to flow back into the esophagus causing reflux symptoms .

Avoid lying down after a meal.

It is best to wait 2-3 hours after eating so that the acid to digest your food. Immediately after a meal, your stomach fills with acid as it works to digest the foods you have consumed. If you lie down during this time, the acid is likely to flow back into the esophagus and cause heartburn. If you sit or remain upright, however, gravity will help keep the acid in the stomach .

Raise the head of the bed.

 Raise your head about 6-8 inches while supporting your body through the on a correct angle . If you get reflux or heartburn at night, elevate the head of your bed by putting the frame on blocks or placing a foam wedge under the head of your mattress. Putting extra pillows will not work.

Eat your last meal 2-3 hours before bedtime.

Plan to eat at a regular time and try to relax while you eating.

Avoid certain foods and beverages which cause acid reflux symptoms , and this includes the following:

fruit juices
citrus fruits
alcoholic and caffeinated drinks

fatty foods and fried foods
spicy foods
tomato-based products
spearmint and peppermint

A lifestyle change may seem rather difficult. Your doctor can greatly help you in your transition. The very first thing that you should do is to set a goal, like for instance eating small meals, while avoiding those above-mentioned foods. Slowly quit smoking and drinking. Of course, you can’t expect an abrupt change.

There are also many home remedies and natural cures which are considered very effective treatment for gastric reflux. It doesn't have to be difficult, but making small changes to your daily routines and adding in a few natural remedies can not only cure and prevent your gastric reflux symptoms, but make you physically fit and healthier .

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