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What Medication is needed

In most cases of the GERD diseases, adopting lifestyle changes may be enough to control and alleviate the pain of acid reflux or heartburn.

 When the symptoms of acid reflux persist after sustained lifestyle changes,  you may have to resort to the medication. Your doctor may suggest you take some non-prescription acid reflux medications to start with.

 While there are medications for acid reflux  available both non-prescription and prescription, the fact is these medications are only meant for short-term treatment and can cause side effects when taken continuously for a number of years.

The most common non- prescription acid reflux medicines are antacids.

In other severe cases, if self-care and treatment with nonprescription medication do not work, a prescription acid reflux medication might be needed. Therefore your doctor likely will prescribe one of a class of stronger antacids. This therapy may be needed only for a short time or over a longer period while you make gradual changes in your lifestyle.

A several number of prescription medications are available and approved to treat severe heartburn ( GERD ) by preventing secretion of acid from the stomach..


However people with GERD , gastro reflux should discuss with a physician before start taking the above drugs as health care provider is the best source of information about how to use medications for GERD and how to monitor closely its complications and effectiveness of medications..

 When Surgery needed for Acid reflux disease or GERD

Surgery is not a first option but when lifestyle changes and medicine do not help to treat GERD symptoms then surgery can be an option to think about.  usually lifestyle changes, diet , nonprescription antacids and prescription medications would help to mitigate symptoms , therefore all these should be tried first before deciding to go for surgical treatment.  Nissen Fundoplication is the name of surgical procedure for GERD in which upper part of stomach wrapped around lower esophageal sphincter (LES ) in order to strengthen the sphincter and prevent acid reflux and repair hiatal hernia.

The procedure is often performed using  a laparoscope, an instrument that is inserted through tiny incisions in the abdomen.

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