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Good foods for gastric acid reflux

The following foods are also recommended for stomach acid reflux . There are many foods that you can eat in  your meals without causing problems with acid reflux. For this purpose, it is recommended to include the following foods in your daily diet:

Foods rich in fiber

Fiber can absorb stomach acid and reduce the symptoms of acid reflux. On the other hand, the consumption of fiber makes the food stay in the stomach for a longer time and as a result the feeling of hunger decreases. As a result, food in the stomach will have more time for complete digestion. Foods rich in fiber include whole grains such as oats and brown rice, root vegetables such as sweet potatoes, carrots and beets, green vegetables such as asparagus, broccoli and green beans, nuts and seeds, and alkaline foods such as bananas and melons. He mentioned cauliflower, fennel, nuts and dried fruits, watermelon. Foods that have a higher pH and are less acidic can reduce strong stomach acid. Also, eating foods that contain a lot of water such as celery, cucumber, lettuce, watermelon, herbal teas and soups can dilute and weaken stomach acid.


Foos with anti-inflammatory properties

Foods such as ginger have anti-inflammatory properties and therefore can reduce the symptoms of inflammation caused by acid reflux. Also, ginger is one of the best digestive medicines due to its many medicinal properties. This material is alkaline and anti-inflammatory in nature and reduces irritation in the digestive system. When you feel heartburn, try ginger tea.


Research has shown that drinking milk can reduce stomach acid. But you should keep in mind that not every type of milk has this property. Full fat milk can aggravate acid reflux. But skim milk can act as a temporary buffer between the stomach lining and stomach acid content and provide immediate relief from heartburn symptoms. Low-fat yogurt with a good amount of probiotics (the good bacteria that promote digestion) have the same soothing properties.


  The mixture of warm water and honey has an alkaline property that neutralizes stomach acid. Also, honey has natural antioxidants that help the health of stomach cells.

Your particular collection of foods may differ slightly from another, since each person is unique.

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